High-end Customized Series

Solvent Recycling System

Deeply Customized to Meet Your Specific Needs

HongYi’s flagship product, designed to meet the most demanding customer needs. It utilizes the latest technology and most reliable components, offering a high degree of customization. Whether it’s specific safety or material compatibility requirements, we can provide fully customized solutions.

High-end Customized Models

Items: Hy250Ex-V Hy450Ex-V
Feeding Capacity: 250 Liters 450 Liters
Recovery Capacity: 60~80 Liters 110~150 Liters
Maximum Power 16Kw 32Kw
Distillation Tank: Stationary, conical-bottomed Stationary, conical-bottomed

Main Features

Application Scenarios

Solvent recycling system are widely used in various industries to handle waste solvents, separating reusable solvents from them to achieve efficient resource utilization and environmental protection. Here are some common application scenarios for solvent recovery machines:

Chemical Industry

The chemical production process generates a considerable amount of waste solvents. Solvent recovery machines are used to extract valuable chemical substances from these waste solvents, reducing production costs and environmental pollution.

Printing and Coating Industry

Solvents used in printing and coating processes can be recovered using solvent recovery machines. This not only saves costs but also reduces emissions of harmful gases, improving the working environment.

Electronics Industry

Solvents such as deionized water, acids, and alkalis used in electronic product manufacturing can be recovered using solvent recovery machines, reducing the demand for water resources and improving water resource utilization efficiency.

Paint and Coating Industry

Various organic solvents are commonly used in paint and coating production. Solvent recovery machines can recover these waste solvents, reducing the burden of waste disposal and lowering the procurement cost of new solvents.

Automotive Repair and Coating Industry

Solvents used in automotive repair and painting services can be recovered using solvent recovery machines, reducing the cost of repair services and minimizing environmental impact.

In summary, Solvent recycling system have the potential for applications in any industry that uses solvents. They can reduce production costs and minimize environmental pollution, achieving a win-win situation for both economic and environmental benefits.

Product Demonstration and Practical Application

Series of solvent recycling system